Northwest C Pump Station
Austin, TX

Northwest C Pump Station | Austin, TX

This project involves engineering services for a new composite elevated storage tank and pump station on for the City of Austin’s Northwest C pressure zone. The project is located in the City of Cedar Park and in the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. The project consisted of the design and development of construction documents for the NWC Pump Station and NWC Elevated Storage Tank with an ultimate firm pumping capacity of 16.0 million gallons per day and design storage capacity of 1.5 million gallons. CAS provided site improvements including water quality treatment/detention, drainage, site grading, and parking lot layout.

As a subconsultant, CAS provided a preliminary engineering report, design and construction plans for the water quality/detention pond, parking lot, site grading, tree protection, and erosion/sedimentation control and prepared the construction cost opinions for these work items. The water quality pond included the fully sized sedimentation pond for City-maintained facilities and a sand bed filtration pond (which is the conventional water quality facility).

Excess flows from the water quality pond will be diverted with a splitter to the detention pond which is sized to reduce the proposed peak flow-rate to the existing peak flow-rate or less. The water quality/detention pond has been designed to treat the proposed pump station, elevated storage tank, and parking area. Site and parking lot grading included diversion of drainage flows to the water quality pond. Tree removal and protection was identified for the heavily wooded site. Site layout decisions preserved as many trees as possible. Construction phase services were also provided for this project, including submittal reviews, responses to RFIs, Change Orders, and site observations.

Project Cost: $8.2M

Owner: City of Austin