Green Water Treatment Plant Decommissioning
Austin, TX
Green Water Treatment Plant Decommissioning | Austin, TX
The Green Water Treatment Plant (WTP) was constructed in 1924 with an ultimate rated treatment capacity of 45 MGD. Through its Green WTP Planning Assessment Study, the Austin Water Utility (AWU) performed a condition assessment of the existing plant and determined that it was not feasible or cost effective to retrofit the existing Green WTP for long-term reliable use. Therefore, AWU decided to decommission the existing Green WTP.
The project involved decommissioning the plant facilities, removing appropriate equipment and demolishing structures and other existing land improvements. The project also required planning, design, bidding to construct utility connections and/or relocations required as a result of the decommissioning and demolition plan, and to the extent possible accommodate possible future site development. Project coordination with redevelopment planning was ongoing throughout the project.
CAS served as a subconsultant to URS Inc. to provide provided site design, utility and storm sewer relocation, and design streambank stabilization. CAS performed site plan design including grading, drainage, erosion/sedimentation control, tree protection, and site restoration design. CAS used HEC-RAS to analyze design alternatives for Shoal Creek, developed construction plans and specifications, provided opinion of probable construction cost, project schedule, and an engineering report.
Project Cost: $XM
Owner: City of Austin